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Education Equity Across The Nation

Campaign for Education Equity at Teachers College:
A Two Day Symposium

By Liza Young
At this year’s second annual Campaign for Educational Equity, sponsored by the Laurie M. Tisch Foundation, and hosted at the Cowin Center of Teachers College, experts on educational policy gathered to discuss the state of equity in education, an apt setting for the symposium as indicated by Teachers College President, Susan Furhman, who kicked off the event, stating “from its inception Teachers College has focused on research that is responsive to and shaped by the needs of educational institutes and policy makers.” READ MORE

By Lisa K. Winkler
Perhaps no federal intervention in regulating education has been more controversial than the No Child Left Behind legislation. READ MORE

Newark Mayor Cory Booker Keynotes
No Child Left Behind Symposium

By Sybil Maimin
Cory Booker, crusading young mayor of Newark, NJ, Rhodes Scholar, Yale law graduate, and member of the Columbia Teachers College Board of Trustees, electrified the room while delivering the keynote address at The Campaign for Educational Equity’s second annual symposium which focused on No Child Left Behind. READ MORE

No Child Left Behind Criticized by Harvard Professor
By Sybil Maimin
In a scathing critique of the federal government’s No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB), Richard F. Elmore, the Gregory R. Anrig Professor of Educational Leadership at Harvard University Graduate School of Education, addressed “The Problem of Capacity in the (Re) Design of Educational Accountability Systems.” READ MORE


Profiles in Education:
Joyce Cowin, Trustee, Teachers College
By Joan Baum, Ph.D.
Joyce Cowin, a trustee at Teachers College (TC) and liaison to its prestigious Alumni Council, exemplifies by word and deed the meaning of  “philanthropy,” a word that comes from the Greek and means love of mankind. READ MORE

Susan Fuhrman Assumes Presidency of  Teachers College, Columbia University
By Emily Sherwood, Ph.D.
Noting that “we’ve got to be the place which spawns ideas that animate education,” Susan H. Fuhrman, a nationally recognized expert on public accountability and teacher excellence in education, has been appointed tenth president of Teachers College (TC) at Columbia University. READ MORE

New Harlem Charter School Opens Amid Praise
By Sybil Maimin
Its name, Harlem Success Academy, is both a promise and a challenge. READ MORE

“Say Yes to Education” Helps Harlem Youngsters Graduate HS & Pays for College Too
By Emily Sherwood, Ph.D.
When Hartford money manager George Weiss threw out his signature football to a group of 400 Harlem kindergartners and their parents two years ago, he was executing far more than an athletic maneuver. READ MORE

Dr. M. Jerry Weiss Helps Literacy Grow in New Jersey
By Lisa K. Winkler
If it weren’t for M. Jerry Weiss, young readers may never have heard of Amber Brown.  In 1972, the late Paula Danziger was Dr. M. Jerry Weiss’ student in an adolescent literature class at Montclair State University. READ MORE

Forging Bonds of Unity Among Young People Around the World
By Liza Young
The audience was a mix of Americans from the Bronx, NY; Tucson, Arizona; Salt Lake City, Utah; Israeli, Druze and Arabs, but the bonds of friendship and empathy were ubiquitous at a recent luncheon at the Sutton Place Synagogue—under the leadership of Rabbi Allan Shranz—highlighting events at this year’s America Israel Friendship League’s (AIFL) Youth Ambassador Student Exchange (YASE), a program initiated in 1977 further the AIFL mission of fostering friendship and cultural understanding between the two nations. READ MORE

NTDTV Celebrates Chinese Culture
By Liza Young
A regal opportunity to celebrate the richness of Chinese culture is currently available through New Tang Dynasty Television’s (NTDTV) Holiday Wonders, a show which made its debut four years ago,andwhich will be featured at the Beacon Theatre December 19-24. READ MORE

The United Nations Association of the USA’s Annual Awards Dinner
The United Nations Association of the USA held its annual awards dinner at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel in New York City. READ MORE

Young Leaders in NYC Try to Make a Difference
Recently, the New York City Center for Charter School Excellence sponsored “A Good Read for Kids,” a fundraiser to support libraries in NYC public charter schools. Jonathan Burkan, Senior Financial Advisor for Merrill Lynch, hosted the event which featured presentations by Renaissance Charter School students and an auction. READ MORE


Making Humanity More Human
My husband and I were standing on a long line at the main post office in New York City recently. READ MORE

Letters to the Editor - December 2006


Research in Learning Disorders
at Landmark College

By Sybil Maimin
In tandem with its mission of providing an effective and supportive college education for students with learning disabilities and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorders (LD and/or AD/HD), Landmark College in Putney, Vermont has, since its inception twenty years ago, actively researched and disseminated knowledge and best practices about how to serve this special population. READ MORE

New Educator Conference Focuses on Hope in Challenging Times
By Richard Kagan
Teachers, school administrators, and students gathered for a stimulating day-long conference at The City College of New York’s School of Education held recently. READ MORE

The Dean’s Column:
Unsolved Problems
By Alfred Posamentier, Ph.D.
This may come as a shock to some of your students, but who says that all mathematical problems get solved? READ MORE

Leila Hadley Luce & Milbry Polk Create “Wings” To Celebrate Outstanding Women
By Joan Baum, Ph.D.
Combining the announcement of its 2007 Women of Discovery Awards with updates by previous awardees, WINGS WorldQuest last month showed once again why, since its formation 13 years ago, it has become the “leading resource and advocate for women explorers world wide” and for science research and education. READ MORE

In Quest for Democracy, Former Pakistan Prime Minister Bhutto Addresses Oxonian Society
By Emily Sherwood, Ph.D.
Urging an end to the “clash of civilizations” between the West and Islam, former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto of Pakistan, who served intermittently from 1988 to 1996 and was ultimately succeeded by the military regime of General Musharraf, called for a return to democracy in her country at the Oxonian Society last month. READ MORE

About Our CUNY Colleges
Brooklyn College
John Jay College of Criminal Justice


Quiz Corner
Compiled by Chris Rowan
Who was the first U.S. President born after July 4, 1776? READ MORE


From the NYU Child Study Center: Ask the Expert
What is the Best Treatment for My Child’s Psychiatric Disorder?
By Glenn S. Hirsch, M.D.
Despite advances, there are still many psychiatric disorders in which the symptoms are perplexing, the progression of the illness is confusing, and the treatments are less than satisfactory. READ MORE


Theater Review:
Tarzan Swings On Broadway
By Jan Aaron
Tarzan, the new Walt Disney Co.’s attraction has swung into the Richard Rogers Theatre for a long run. READ MORE

The Salzburg Festival, 2006
A Feast of Mozart
By Irving Spitz
This year is the 250th anniversary of Mozart’s birth and Salzburg rolled out the red carpet in its annual Festival to honor its most illustrious local son. READ MORE


From the Superintendent's Seat:
When Your Child’s Friend Needs Comforting
By Dr. Carole G. Hankin with Randi T. Sachs
Children are very often a contradiction in terms. READ MORE


Logos Bookstore’s Recommendations
As the Holiday season arrives, commercial holiday music dominates the sound systems of stores, restaurants and public buildings proclaiming ‘tis the season to be jolly and every one starts to feel sentimental and wants to feel good, there may be people who are dealing with tough issues in their life and find the commercial Holiday season superficial, but want to find joy in the season. READ MORE

Children’s Books:
Books Are Treasures Waiting To Be Discovered
By Selene Vasquez
Fido, the world’s most clever canine detective has the challenging mission of finding a polite, cooperative and squeaky-clean child. READ MORE


Thanksgiving Dialogue
By Jill Levy
My house has finally quieted down. READ MORE


Construction Begins On DeBakey Library & Museum
Baylor College of Medicine (BCM) recently honored Dr. Michael E. DeBakey and joined him in celebrating the construction start of the Michael E. DeBakey Library and Museum. READ MORE

Study Identifies Enzyme Responsible for Brain Deterioration in Alzheimer’s
Univ. of Missouri-Columbia Researchers Hope Findings Lead To A Medical Breakthrough
Researchers at the University of Missouri-Columbia identified an enzyme responsible for the deterioration of brain function for people with Alzheimer’s disease, reported in the Journal of Neuroscience. READ MORE






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