Rockefeller U’s Precollege Science Education Program for K-12 Teachers

Science teachers in public, private, or parochial schools in the tri-state area are encouraged to apply to be a Rockefeller University Outreach Teacher Fellow. About five new teachers are matched each summer with a scientist to gain mentored laboratory research experience on campus. Teachers earn a $5,000 stipend per 7–8 week summer for each of two summers. Teachers may also receive up to $2,000 for Action Plans to implement active learning in their classrooms based on their research experiences. Our non-residential professional development program exceeds the NSES. Your individualized, mentored laboratory research experience will be supported by our weekly 1) ScienTific Reading and Writing Course (STRAW) in science communication skills and 2) Teacher Breakfast Seminars in developing Action Plans. You may be working alongside high school Outreach Students or helping scientists teach STRAW which includes learning how to write a Research Report and give a Poster Session. Some $2,000 stipends are also available for Outreach Students and underrepresented minorities and girls are encouraged to apply. Content: Research in Neuroscience, Medical Sciences and Human Genetics, Immunology and Microbiology, Molecular, Cell and Developmental Biology, Biochemistry and Structural Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics and Computer Sciences.#

Deadline is February 2, 2004. Contact Bonnie Kaiser, Ph.D., Rockefeller University, 1230 York Avenue—Box 53, New York, NY 10021, Tel: (212) 327-7431, Fax: (212) 327-7519, Email:, or visit