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Logos Bookstore’s Recommendations

by H. Harris Healy, III, President
Logos Book Store, 1575 York Ave. (bet. 83rd and 84th St.), 212-517-7292

The Christmas Story, Illustrated by Gennady Spirin, Henry Holt: 1995.
What better way to celebrate Christmas than to read The Christmas Story, compiled from the Nativity accounts in the Gospels of Matthew and Luke rendered in the language of the King James Bible and beautifully illustrated by Gennady Spirin. From the magnificent jacket and book covers with an illustration of the Virgin Mary, Jesus and the angels in the stable in the front and the solitary angel flying over the fields in the back , to the glorious two-page centerpiece of the Herald Angels proclaiming Jesus’ birth through their trumpets, the glories of texture, color and details abound. The Christmas Song is a book one will want to look at and read again and again.

Home For Christmas, Harold Show Publisher. $15.99
Home for Christmas is a wonderful collection of tales and stories that warm the soul. “Brotherly House,” by Grace Richmond tells of family members at odds with each other brought together by a sickly, elderly bachelor family member and reconciled through an accident that happens to a child. “Christmas Day in the Morning,” by Pearl Buck tells about a young boy whose Christmas present to his father is mailing the cows for him on Christmas day. Also included in the collection is an excerpt from Little Women by Louisa May Alcott about Christmas at Orchard Park, the memorable O. Henry tale, “The Gift of the Maji,” selections by Katherine Paterson and Jane Merchant as well as Terry Beck’s poignant, contemporary tale, “The Jubilee Agreement.” “The Child in the Night,” by Patricia St. John brings to the forefront the true nature of what Christmas should be and “The Gifts of the Child Christ,” by George MacDonald is a tale of how new life comes to a family how there is love for al little girl in the midst of death. the books comes with a compact disk suitable to listen to as one reads the book. A Happy Hanukkah greeting to everyone is forthcoming to the reader of Zlateh the Goat and Other Stories by Isaac Bashevis Singer with marvelous illustrations by Maurice Sondak. Memorable characters abound in these stories from Atzel who got bored of a paradise concocted by a doctor to cure his laziness to Schlemiel who lets the rooster escape and his son fall and bump his head while he survives eating poison. The most beautiful story is of Zlateh the goat who is to be sold for meat because she can no longer produce milk but who keeps her young master, Aaron alive with her milk whey they are caught in a snow blizzard, a love story of animal and boy.

(212) 517-7292

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